Video Gallery

Welcome to our Video Gallery.

Below you find videos from "Live" concerts, and official YouTube videos using our music. Enjoy!


 Videos featuring tracks from the album "Lemurian Home Coming". Almost 3 million views on YouTube !

The Power Of One Tone is a video showing the Cymascope's extraordinary patterns created from Anders' voice on water.

Interview we did with Allison Teague March 2022.

Watch the interview

"Live" Concert in Taiwan 2017 – "Pleiadian Prayer", from the album "Dream Of The Blue Whale
(Anders Holte with Cacina Meadu)

"Call Of Atlantis", from the album "Atlantis Remembers"

"Live" Concert in Taiwan 2017 – "Walking Through Lifetimes", from the album "My World"

"Live" Concert in Taiwan 2017 – "Inner Ocean"
(Impromptu piece with Anders Holte, Cacina Meadu, and Taiwanese musician Silvia)

"Yehoshua the Nazarene" – featuring "Timeless Prayer". Album: "Lemurian Home Coming"

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